Parkston High School Alumni

Class of '94

Name (maiden)

Job and Location

E-Mail Address

Boddicker, Brian C. Attending New England School of Photography in Boston. I am also showing my work at a gallery in Boston this May.
Grunewaldt, Kenneth A. I live in Sioux Falls and work full time at the South Dakota Air National Guard
(Pekas) Weiss, Amy Currently enrolled in a MLSprogram in Women's Studies at Eastern Michigan University.
(Thury) Sammons, Nicole L. I am currently attending Occupational Therapy school at the University of Wisconsin-LaCrosse.
Winter, Stacey J. I am currently teaching First Grade (part-time) in Yankton, SD.
My position is part of a one year pilot program to reduce classroom size. I also work at Gateway in Vermillion part-time.